
Definition: Thunderer, Thunder being

Nimkii >na comm. >pl nimkiik; 1 Thunderer, Thunder being. Mii-sh aano-wepdawaawaad iidig giwi Nimkiig niwi, mii giiwenh go maanda neyaab miinwaa zpakmigseg negwaki, mii sa gaa go maamda gashkhaasiiwaad. >Those Thunderers had tried in vain to hit him (the monster), but the sandy ground just opened and closed again and they were unable to get at him. Ge go mii gii-waabndamaan waasmowaad giw Nimkiig. >and then I saw the Thunderers flashing lightning. Nzhwinaa* aanind gwetaamgoznijin Mshibzhiin maage maage Mshi-gnebgoon waya go naa nonda Gchi-wesiin gwetaamgoznijin maage Nimkiin aanind sa gii-daapnaawaan sa ji-zhwenmigowaad. >But some would accept the blessing of the frightful Great Lynx, and some of a Great Serpent, and some of some other frightful great creature, and some of a Thunderer. >Full-vowel form: animikii.

Part of speech: Noun Animate noun
Unique ID: n71431949242n
GKS Reference Number: 20251