
Definition: somewhere, someplace, off somewhere, anywhere

comm. 1 somewhere, someplace, off somewhere, anywhere. Ngoding sa giiwenh nishnaabeg ziisbaakdokewag, ngoji go naa noopming, waasa go naa noopming.
>Once some people were making sugar, somewhere inland, far inland.
. Naangodnong gaa wii yaasii aw nini bbaa-ndawenjiged ngoji bgodkamig.
>Sometimes the man of the family would not be at home, having gone off hunting somewhere in the wilds.
. Ngoji waasa zhiwdoon.
>Take it far off with you somewhere.
. Mdwewechgan ngoji nnoondaan; aapiish iidik endnwewek?
>I hear a radio someplace; I wonder where it's coming from. MC2005.cs
. Dzhwegnan wi doopwiniigin; nga-waabndaan wendgwenh ngoji da-bgoneshkaak.
>Spread out that tablecloth; I'll see if it has a hole anywhere. MC2005.cs
. 2 anywhere, no place (with negative). "Gaa go gnage ngoji ngii-mkanziin ki," kido sa giiwenh mik.
>"I didn't find earth anywhere," said the beaver.
. Gaa wii ngoji nii-zhaasii.
>I shall not go anywhere.
. Mii dash noongo iw wenji-yaawaad giw ngoji debendaagzisgog nishnaabeg.
>And that's why now there are those Indians who don't belong anywhere.
. Gdaa-gii-dwin'ge zhiwi jiigshkwaant; gaawii ngoji zhiwi wii-dkokiing.
>Could you clear things away near the door; there's no place to step there. MC2005.cs
. Gegeti gshkiiwaan'kot; gaa go ngoji dpaasge-sii giizis.
>Ever tightly closed [the clouds]; the sun is not shining through anywhere. MC2005.cs
. 3 at such time roughly, about (such time). Giishpin nongo megwaa e-bmiseg wii-bi-giigdayin, waabang (Spin'ganwang) shkwaa-9:00 biinish ngoji 2:00-shi-aabta nga-yaa oodi skoon'gamgoong ndoo-office-ing.
>If you want to call this week, tomorrow (Thursday) after 9 until about 2:30 I'll be in my office at school.
. Niizhtana nso-dbagaans ngoji dnide mnoomin.
>Rice takes about twenty minutes to cook. MC2005.cs
. 4 away, in the sense, e.g., of throw away, push away, i.e., remove to some place else. Aapdaanza maaba mooshweniigaans; ngoji go naa gdaa-pagnaa.
>This handkerchief is stained; you should throw it away. MC2005.cs
. Gegoo ngoji pagnaa-ke wa bgadoons; nbabgooyaaning dbendaagzi wa.
>Don't throw that button away; that belongs on my shirt. MC2005.cs
. Ndaanawii-mookiitaak, ngoji dash ngii-zhi-gaandsa'aa.
>He tried to attack me, but I shoved him away. MC2005.cs
. Gete'aak gonda piniik; ngoji pagish.
>These potatoes are old; throw them away. MC2005.cs
. 5 in something (or other). Mii go weyiip biijpwaat zhgaagwizhiin giishpin ngoji dgozgaaznit.
>He detects [the taste of] onion right away if it's included in something. MC2005.cs
. 6 about, around, roughly (referring to distance or amount). Ngoji megwaach mdaaswaabik nagndedik.
>It's probably around ten dollars. MC2011.cs
. Nsimdana nso-dbabaan ngoji ndaashti Blind River temgat Gnabjiing.
>Cutler is about thirty miles this side of Blind River. MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n71431657094n
GKS Reference Number: 19931