
Definition: one pair

comm. 1 one pair. Gye go ngodwewaan niw mkiznan aagwiita miinwaa gii-tamwaa go maa mkakong, giishpin ni-noonde-biigsidood niw makzinan ji-bwaa-dgoshing widi ezhaad e-bngishmog, ji-njibdood neyaab miinwaa ji-biiskang niwi mkiznan.
>Also an extra pair of moccasins was placed in the coffin with him, so that if he wore out his moccasins before he arrived whither he was bound in the West, he might take them out and put on these other moccasins.
. Gii-gnoonaan maanda niw ndoodooman, gii-miinaan neyaab aaning iw bagoowyaan, miinwaa ngodwewaan gii-miinaan niw mkiznan.
>She talked to my mother about this, and she [my mother] gave her back some of the cloth and gave her one pair of shoes.
. 2 one set. 3 one team. 4 one dozen.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Noun Inanimate noun
Unique ID: n71431656483n
GKS Reference Number: 19927
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