
Definition: hunt

ndawenjge >vai NE >1sIND nnandwenjge; >3sCCONJ nendwenjget; 1 hunt. Naangodnong gaa wii yaasii aw nini bbaa-ndawenjiged ngoji bgodkamig. >Sometimes the man of the family would not be at home, having gone off hunting somewhere in the wilds. AM1937.rs. Wegwen dash aw ge-gshkitoogwen ji-zhngwaadzig mii aw gbeyhiing ge-bmaadzid, da-ntaa-ndawenjge da-nbwaakaa miinwaa gwyak da-zhi-yaa. >And whoever may be able to keep it down he's the one who will live for a long time, he'll be a good hunter, he'll be clever and he'll behave right. AK1976.rs. Gegoo dash wii go gii-gkendaanaawaa gaawiin miinwaa wiikaa ji-wenpanendnzigwaa iw ji-ndawenjgewaad. >They really learned something, never again to think it's easy for them to go hunting. AK1976.rs. >Full-vowel form: nandawenjige.

Unique ID: n71431441780n
GKS Reference Number: 19710