
Definition: look [to do something], seek [to do something], in the hope of [something happening]

comm. 1 look [to do something], seek [to do something], in the hope of [something happening]. Gii-bbaa-yaawag giiwenh nishnaabeg, bebaa-nda-nshiwejig.
>Some Indians allegedly used to come around, who were bent on killing people. SO1971.rs
. Wa-nda-gkenim aaniin naa endshiwaad giwi eyaajig wadi."
>Go find out how many of them there are over there." SO1971.rs
. Gii-gchi-bgamkande eshkwaa-niim'iding geyaabi bebaa-nda-dkaashjik.
>A big crowd of people arrived after the dance still looking to have a good time. MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n71431357611n
GKS Reference Number: 19598