
Definition: Iroquois

naadwek; 1 Iroquois. Ningoding giiwenh Anishinaabeg Noopimidazhininiig bi-madaabiiwaad, mii gaa- izhi-gikenimigowaad maji-Naadawen, gaa-izhi-noopinanigowaad.
>Once, as the story goes, backwoods people were known to be coming down to the water by the bad Iroquois who they were being tracked by. GM1940.rn
. Aapiji giiwenh niibina igiw Naadaweg.
>According to the story, there were very many Iroquois. GM1940.rn
. 2 Huron (Indian). Naadaweg gii-bimaangwasowag.
>The Hurons lay all along on the ground. AW1941.rn
. Mii dash iw wenji-zhiingenimaad aw Naadawe Odaawaan Ojibwen: gii-naadamaadiwag gii-nisaawaad.
>That is why that Huron hates the Ottawa and Ojibwa: they joined together to kill them. AW1941.rn
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Noun Animate noun
Unique ID: n71430856980n
GKS Reference Number: 19066