
Definition: No way! any way, not that bad, not to that extreme

1 No way! any way, not that bad, not to that extreme. Gaa gsha wii go naa mninaak ndaa-zhichge=sii wi.
>There's no way I would do that! MC2005.cs
. Mninaak na go daa-gii-gmoodin wa wi?
>Is there any way he would have stolen that? MC2005.cs
. Gaa gsha wii go naa mninaak daa-gii-oo-doodn=zii wa wi.
>He couldn't have gone and done that! (sense that one should know better than to think another would do something that's improper) MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

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GKS Reference Number: 18282