
Definition: amazing, incredible, miraculous

LH 1 amazing, incredible, miraculous. Mii dash giiyenh maapiich - mmaandaa - gii-gwekgaabwit mekdekonye, gii-ni-maajaat.
>Eventually - and incredibly - the priest turned and left. MC2007.cs
. 2 it's a wonder that... (indicating something that is contrary to reasonable expectation). Mii go pane bmaknaat niwin da-kweman; mmaandaa naa geyaabi bmi-wiijiyaawgot.
>He always leaves his wife behind; it's a wonder she still stays with him. MC2005.cs
. Aapji go niisiigiigaasin wi gete-ke'win; mmaandaa msho shka'ii goodoo-sgwaa.
>That old flag is really torn up; it's a wonder they haven't hung up a new one yet. MC2005.cs
. 3 strange. Maandaa sa go.
>That is strange. MC2011.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n71429840205n
GKS Reference Number: 18108
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