>ni comm.
>1poss nmanjgoodenh;
>pl mjigoodenyin; 1 dress, skirt. Wegdagwen ji-waawaabndamgwen gbaakhigaadeg da-temgad go maa, gye go wezhtoowaad giw Nishnaabeg kwewag, waabwayaanan, mjigoodenyan, gboosnenyan, gye go mkiznan.
>Whatever one may want to see in the way of preserves will be there, as well as the things which the Indian women make: blankets, dresses, trousers and moccasins. AM1937.rs. Bezhig dash gii-giiskaan manjgoodenh.
>So one of them took off her skirt. AM1937.rs. Miinwaa bezhig gii-giiskaan iw manjgoodenh, zaagdoodebtoo dash aw Nenbozh gye go gii-gnjibtwaadang niw mjigoodenyan.
>The other one took off her skirt; out ran that Nenabush on all fours and carried off those skirts as he fled. AM1937.rs.
>Full-vowel form: manjigoodeny.