
Definition: and

LH 1 and. Gii-bmiwdoonaawaan go niw mtigwaabiin miinwaa bkwakoon miinwaa maskid, gii-aabmiitwaawaan dash gii-miigaanaawaad.
>They carried bows and arrows and muskets, and they fired back at them when they fought. AK1976.rs
. Gii-zhitoonaawaa maa naa iw gwiidsijgan gii-saawaad niw gii-gshkapnaawaad waabshkiigin miinwaa wiigwaas.
>Then they built this rack where they placed him wrapped in white cloth and birchbark. AK1976.rs
. Mii dash maaba nishnaabe gii-giisaadenmaad mii dash gii-biidmawaad niw waabgan-pwaagnan miinwaa semaan.
>And this Indian felt sorry for her and he brought her a clay pipe and also tobacco. AK1976.rs
. 2 again. Gaa dash miinwaa wiikaa ngii-zhaasiimin odi.
>And we never went there again. AK1976.rs
. "Gaa dash go gegoo ngii-naasii gaa-sh go miinwaa wiikaa ngii-zhaasii."
>"But I didn't say anything to him, and I never went again." AK1976.rs
. 3 more. Gii-gniskhang miinwaa.
>She scooped up some more. SO1971.rs
. Miinwaa aanind naadin!
>Go and get some more." SO1971.rs
. Aanii-sh mii sa giiwenh gii-googiid zhashkoonh, nwaj dash giiwenh weweni wgii-biitoon mnik ki, gii-bi-mooksed miinwaa.
>So the muskrat went down again, and, when he surfaced, he brought back much more earth. SO1971.rs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n71429681783n
GKS Reference Number: 17927
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