
Definition: bother, bother oneself with

1 bother, bother oneself with. Gego memkaach!
>Don't bother! MC2011.cs
. Gego memkaach gziinaagne-ke; niin baamaa pii nga-nan'kii wi.
>Don't bother washing the dishes; I'll do that later. MC2005.cs
. 2 have to [in lieu of something else], necessary [that something be done]. Memkaach na go mkademjigoodenh gwii-biizkaan; gaa na go maamdaa maanda bezhik.
>Do you have to wear a black dress; is this other one not possible [to wear]? MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n73032817868n
GKS Reference Number: 17781
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