
Definition: in the middle [of doing something], in the process of [doing something]


myegwaaji-; 1 in the middle [of doing something], in the process of [doing something]. 1964 gii-giiwe Odjig Wiikwemkoong wii-zhaat eko-niiwing jiingtaming oodi, mii dash gii-waabndang gewii zhiwi megwaaji-gweksek maanda nawach gegoo ezhi-bmaadzing nikeyiing, maanda gaa-maajtamgak gweksek 1960s.
>In 1964, Odjig travelled home to Wikwemikong to attend the fourth annual Wiki Pow Wow and found a local version of the fomentation of social and cultural change that characterized the 1960s in full swing. MC2007.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n71429845986n
GKS Reference Number: 17753
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