
Definition: generally, habitally, usually

comm. 1 generally, habitally, usually. Mii-sh giiwenh ko zhaazhi gaa-zhiwebak.
>This is what generally happened long ago. SO1971.rs
. Endso-ggizheb dash gii-zhaa maaba kiwenziinh ko gii-ggwejmaad niw gwisan manj iidig gaa-naabndamnigwen.
>Every morning this old man would come and ask his son what sort of vision he had. AM1937.rs
. Pii ko gemwangin mii kwa gii-giiweyaang.
>Whenever it rained we (exc.) went home. AM1937.rs
. Nbengwaapkisdoonan ko naagnan; gaawiinbishgend-ziin nakaazyaanh bengnaagne'gan.
>I usually air-dry the dishes; I don't like using a dish towel. MC2005.cs
. 2 used to (of past activities). Gii-mji-zhiwebzi kwa maaba gwiiwzens, noongo dash mno-zhiwebzi.
>This boy used to be naughty, but now he is good. AM1937.rs
. Aapji go wa waawaashkeshiins gii-aangwizi; ngii-bbaa-naanoopnanik ko.
>That fawn was very tame; it used to follow me around. MC2005.cs
. Aasekmik ko gii-nakaaznaawaa Nishnaabek jibwaa-bgamshkaak aanzyaanan.
>Indians used to use moss before the arrival of diapers. MC2005.cs
. Ngii-bchi'aa; bezhik ko gaa-wiiji-skoonwimak aawit ngii-nendam.
>I mistook her for another; I thought that she was a person with whom I used to go to school. MC2005.cs
. Gii-bezhgo go eta gaa-yawaat bgand'igan; gii-wiwenan dash ko niwin.
>There was just one person that had a thresher; and he used to lend it out. MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n71428963080n
GKS Reference Number: 17115
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