>na comm.
>1poss ndakik, ndakkom;
>dim kikoons;
>loc kikoong;
>pl kikook; 1 kettle. Mkadewaabkizwag gonda kikoog.
>These kettles are black. Ndakik njigaa.
>My kettle is leaking. Ge-wii gwa dakkoon njigaawan.
>Her kettle is leaking too. 2 pail, bucket. Mii dash gii-noondwaawaad mdwe-naanoondaagzinid, mii aazhgo gii-nsaad bezhig niw bnewan, mii dash gii-gbaashmaawaad kikoonsing, mii dash niw gaa-mwaawaajin.
>And they heard him out there yelling, already he had killed one of the partridges, and they cooked him in a little pail, and that's what they ate. Geyaabi aanin zhashki maanpii toon; aabtooshkne go eta maaba kik.
>Put some more soil in here; this pail is only half full. MC2005.cs. Aakaa'sh go naa gii-oo-saat niwin kikoon; da-gdikse zhiwi wa.
>Of all places for him to go and put that pail; that'll tip over there. MC2005.cs. 3 pot (utensil). Aakmenmaan kikoon wii-bwaa-skaabkiznit.
>She's mindful of the pot so it doesn't boil dry. MC2005.cs. Aapiish wi gba'gan maanpii kikoong debendaagok?
>Where's that cover that belongs on this pot? MC2005.cs. Gchi-kikoong dnizan wi macaroni wii-bwaa-baashjigmidek
>Cook that macaroni in a big pot so it doesn't boil over. MC2005.cs. 4 ashcan.
>Full-vowel form: akik|w.