
Definition: word, saying, speech form, way of speaking

kidwinan; 1 word, saying, speech form, way of speaking. Wiinwaa "yaan" nwewin, ge-niinwi dash gaa-bi-njibaayaan naasaab go iw kidwin "yaan" ezhnikaadeg, ge-niinwi ndizhnikaadaanaa "yaanh."
>Where they used the pronunciation, "yaan," there we, where I came from, for that same speech form which is spoken "yaan," we used the pronunciation "yaanh."
. Joseph Beuys miznibii'ganan gii-zhinoomaading, Stripes From the House of the Shaman, Gchi-gaamii-kidwinan nakaazam dbaadjigaadek ezhi-"jiiskii-mzinbii'get" Beuys.
>Stripes From the House of the Shaman, the title of a Joseph Beuys exhibition, has a language coded with European terms for the "shamanism" of Beuys. MC2007.cs
. 2 a message, a communication. Mii maa naa iw gaa-naabdizid maaba gii-bmiwdood iw kidwin, mzhinwe wgii-zhinkaanaawaan.
>It was this one's work to carry a message, messenger so they called him.
. 3 a voice, an agency by which to represent one's point of view. 1960 gii-bgidnigaazwak Nishnaabek wii-bezhbiigeyaat aanjgimaakeng Canada; mii dash gewiinwaa gii-yaamwaat kidwin maanda bmaaknigeng kiing.
>Status Indians had gained a political voice when they were granted the right to vote in Canadian federal elections in 1960. MC2007.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Noun Inanimate noun
Unique ID: n71428960188n
GKS Reference Number: 17085
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