
Definition: before, at a time preceding (some other event or state)

1 before, at a time preceding (some other event or state). Naangodnong niizh nde-bjibwaag jibwaa kina gnjibhiwewaad.
>Sometimes I manage to spear two of them before they all get away. AM1937.rs
. Gii-gbaakwaawaan giw nishnaabeg wedi giiwnaadzid, gii-zhitoonaawaa mtig-wiigwaamens, miinwaa mshkwegnoon gii-dkobnaawaan jibwaa go naa waya gegoo naapnanaad.
>The Indians locked that one up when he went crazy, they made a little wooden house, and they tied him up with leather, before he did any harm to anyone. AK1976.rs
>Grammar note:
Requires an associated verb to be in the conjunct order.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Conjunction
Unique ID: n2011439-57-22n
GKS Reference Number: 24077
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