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You can search the dictionaries in two ways. Enter an English term and then search for it in Anishnaabemowin, Cayuga or both languages (select "Any"). Or, select a letter to see the Anishinaabemowin and/or Cayuga terms beginning with that letter. "{" indicates a dependent noun - one that cannot appear without a pronoun.
make smb. sneeze
be pushed up [repeatedly] by waves as one rides in a boat
nod repeatedly
gnaw on sth. [sticklike]
gnaw on [sticklike] things
gnaw on sth. (an.) [sticklike]
run out of things to tell, tell all there is to tell
run out of things to tell about smb., tell everything about smb.
run out of things to tell about sth., tell everything about sth.
burn up, be burned up
burn up, be burned up
burn sth. completely
burn sth. (an.) completely
have spent all one's money
wear sth. out, run sth. down
be worn out
run sth. (an.) down, wear sth. (an.) out
be worn out
run out, be all used up
run out, be all used up
be ground down completely
sell everything, sell out [one's inventory]
be sold out of something, sell out something
burn, get burned
all sorts of [weird] ways, all sorts of [crazy] things
clear sth. of trees
all, completely [gone]
be drained of power, be all out of strength, run out of
drain sth. (an.) of all its power, kill sth. (an.) (fig.)
be drained of power, be all out of strength, run out of
eradicate sth. (an.), kill off smb. entirely
wipe sth. (an.) out of existence
run out of smokes
eat everything
run out, be used up
run out, be used up
run out of something
burn, get burned
burn sth.
burn food [in cooking]
be burned
be burned
burn sth. (an)
gnaw on sth.
gnaw on things
gnaw on sth. (an.)
lie with one's head raised
be tilted up by weight, tilt up from weight
be tilted up by weight, tilt up from weight
lie with one end raised
tilt one's head up
drink sth. hurriedly
chatter, talk rapidly
be hectic, bustle with activity
eat hurriedly
be in a hurry [to get going]
be busy, bustle with activity
be busy [with many things]
urinate frequently
call out urgently
call out to smb. urgently to do something
rocking chair
walk gingerly, walk gracefully
put sth. (an.) down gingerly
sleep daintily, sleep in [unaccustomed] luxury
put sth. down gingerly
in separate places, in or from various places, from all over
in short intervals, in short spells
run into the woods
escape into the woods, run away into the woods
drag sth. off into the woods
drive into the woods
drag smb. off into the woods
go into the woods, go into the bush
be all dressed up
eat fancy stuff
sleep in luxury one is not accustomed to, sleep luxuriously
be agile, be quick
be athletic, be bright, be clever, be coordinated
strike something headlong
will, shall
Ojibwa, Ojibway
speak Chippewa, speak Ojibwa, speak Ojibway
speak Chippewa to smb., speak Ojibwa to smb., speak Ojibway to smb.
be written in Chippewa, be written in Ojibwa, be written in Ojibway
be cross-eyed
do a handstand, do a headstand, stand on one's head
place sth. upside down, place sth. so that its upper part is
fall face first, fall head first
lie upside down, lie with one's upper body tilted downwards, stand upside
place sth. (an.) upside down, place sth. (an.) so that its upper
lie on its head, lie upside down, lie with upper part tilted
throw sth. (an.) upside down, throw sth. (an.) onto its head
throw sth. upside down, throw sth. onto its head
Black-capped chickadee (small bird with gray feathers, and a darker colored top
nudge sth. [with an instrument]