
Definition: that (in.)

comm. 1 that (in.). 2 it (in.). Mii odi gii-mkamaang iw zaaghigan, miinwaa baatiindoon miinan, giigoonyag ge yaawag maa zaaghigning.
>And there we found this lake, and there were lots of berries, and there were also fish there at the lake. AK1976.rs
. "Semaa gga-biidmoon niibwa go giishpin weweni gnawendman iw ngitgaan," gii-naan niw kiwenziinyan.
>"I'll bring you lots of tobacco if you take good care of my garden," he said to that old man. AK1976.rs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Pronoun Inanimate pronoun
Unique ID: n73028046927n
GKS Reference Number: 16765