>vti comm.
>1sIND ngashktoon;
>3sCCONJ geshktoot; 1 be able to do sth., be able to do something with sth., succeed in doing sth.. "Ezhi-gshkitooyan go gga-googii.
>"You must dive as deep as you can. Mii-sh go pane gaa-mkwendang iw, gaawiin gii-gshkitoosiin wii-nbaad.
>And he thought about it constantly and he was not able to sleep. Gshkitoon na mshi wii-bmaset gbiibiinsim?
>Is your baby able to walk yet? MC2005.cs. Ga-gshkitoon na wii-boozwebnaman wi gchi-mkak?
>Will you be able to throw that big box up [onto a vehicle]? MC2005.cs. 2 afford sth.. 3 earn sth.. Giw Nishnaabeg maa Walpole_Island nooj nankiiwag wii-gshkitoowaad iw zhoon'yaa waa-nji-mno-yaawaad.
>The Indians on Walpole Island do various kinds of work to earn money for their living. De-mnik go ko zhoon'yaa gshkitoon gaawyekaajganan daawet.
>She usually earns a fair bit of money when she sells quillboxes. MC2005.cs.
>Full-vowel form: gashkitoon.