>vai comm.
>1sIND ngashkâewis;
>3sCCONJ geshkâewzit; 1 be capable, succeed. Maanoo go gjitoon; gnamaa gsha go gdaa-gshki'ewis.
>Try [doing] it anyhow; you just might succeed. MC2005.cs. 2 have power [to do things], be able [to do things]. Gaa gegoo gshkihewziwin dayaanziin.
>He has no power at all. Mii go naa eta ge wii sa ezhi-gshkihewzid.
>That is the extent of his power." Nga-nsaa na, gnimaa gegoo iw gaawiin geyaabi gegoo ji-zhi-gshkihewzisig."
>Am I to kill him, or perhaps something so that he no longer has any power." 3 manage [to do something], stand [doing something]. Mii dash gaa-naawaad, Maanoo go yaan maa biinjiiyhii eko-gshkihewziyan.
>This is what they said to him, "Stay inside there just the same, as long as you can stand it." Gaa wiin gegoo ningii-gashkihewizisii.
>I could not manage to do it at all. AW1941.rn.
>Full-vowel form: gashkihewizi.