gmaa go naa

Definition: a moderate number, a moderate number, a number of...

gmaa go naa
Wk 1 a moderate number, a moderate number, a number of.... Gmaa go naa mnik gdaa-biidoon bkwezhgan baasaawngaak.
>You should bring a moderate amount of flour. MC2010.cs
. Ngoji-sh go naa wadi gii-yaadgenag giwi, gomaa go naa dshidgenag, mii-sh giiwenh bezhig gii-noonind:
>There were apparently a number of them somewhere over there, and one of them was appointed:
. Mii-sh giiwenh wa gaa-aawnaad niwi mtigoon, gomaa go naa wii-nikwaag wi biindsaagan.
>He was the one who hauled the logs, as many as would make a big enough raft.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Expression/Interjection
Unique ID: n73028950437n
GKS Reference Number: 15977