
Definition: all gone!

Wp 1 all, every. Gkina maamwi gii-nmadbiwag.
>They all sat together. AM1937.rs
. Ngamwag gkina bneshiinyag.
>All the birds are singing. AM1937.rs
. Gkina ggii-waabmignaan.
>He has seen all of us (incl.) AM1937.rs
. Ogii-giizakwanayehaan gakina.
>She took off all its clothes. AW1941.rn
. Dadadibaajimotaadiwag gakina.
>They were all engaged in lively conversation. AW1941.rn
. Gakina gii-maajaawag agiw nebwaachiwejig.
>All the visitors went away. AW1941.rn
. 2 entirely, completely, all. Gkina gii-nbiiwaakzi.
>He was entirely drenched. AM1937.rs
. Maanda wiigwaam wii-gwisemgad, gkina bgashknad.
>This house will fall over; it is all rotted to pieces. AM1937.rs
. Aaniish gaa-zhiwebziyan? gkina gnimbiiwaakoz. —Ngii-gnibshkaa.
>What has happened to you? You are all drenched. I fell out of the boat. AM1937.rs
. 3 all over, over all of an object or expanse, the entirety of something. Gkina ziibi gii-gbadin.
>The river is all frozen over. AM1937.rs
. Mii sa gakina gii-jaagaakizonid iwidi ashkweyaang.
>So now he was all burned to a crisp there at the rear. AW1941.rn
. Geget igo gakina gii-jaagizo.
>Indeed, he was all burnt. AW1941.rn
. Miinawaa gakina ogii-zakahaanaawaa owiigiwaamini.
>Then they set fire to the whole of their house. AW1941.rn
. Gakina gii-minozowan aniw oniijaanisan.
>Her child had all boiled away. AW1941.rn
. 4 everything. Mii gakina gii-ozhitood gaa-igod aniw sa owiidigemaaganan.
>She made everything she had been told by her husband, the dog. AW1941.rn
. 5 all gone!.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Number
Unique ID: n73028948619n
GKS Reference Number: 15963
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