
Definition: a month's time

1 a month's time. Ngodwaas-giizis gaawii gii-nakii-sii.
>He didn't work for six months. MC2011.cs
. Niizh-giizis gii-oo-wiijgendwaan niwin wiidgikoonyin.
>She went and stayed with her sister for two months. MC2005.cs
. Gwetaanzi wa gaa-dbaaknaat niwin shkinwen; ngo-giizis gii-naaknaan wii-gbaakwigaaznit.
>That person who tried that youth is really strict; he sentenced him to be jailed for one month. MC2005.cs
>Grammar note:
Not pluralized in this function.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Noun Inanimate noun
Unique ID: n20114822-18-28n
GKS Reference Number: 24153