
Definition: would, could

1 would, could. Gijiishpin izhichigesigopa mii iw ge-gii-izhinaagoziwaapa Anishinaabeg.
>If he had not done this way, people would now be so formed. AW1941.rn
. Gakina awiya odaa-gii-baataamigoon gegoo izhichiged, gijiishpin izhinaagozipa geyaabi.
>That other would tell on everybody whenever that person did anything out of the way, if one were still so formed. AW1941.rn
. Nga-oo-wiidbimaa kewesh, biinish daansan gii-bi-dgoshnanit.
>I'll go sit with her for a while until her daughter arrives. MC2005.cs
. Mninaak na go daa-gii-gmoodin wa wi?
>Is there any way he would have stolen that? MC2005.cs
. Gaa gsha wii go naa mninaak daa-gii-oo-doodn=zii wa wi.
>He couldn't have gone and done that! (sense that one should know better than to think another would do something that's improper) MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n201133020-3-11n
GKS Reference Number: 23986