>na comm.
>pl Gchi-mookmaanak; 1 American, esp. an American of white race. "Dbik-giisong giiwenh gii-baa-zhaa wa Gchi-mookmaan," naajmo wa kiwenziinh.
>"They say that some American went to the moon," the old man recounted. FF1975.rs. Ngoding megwaa shkinwewyaan gii-bi-yaa aw Gchi-mookmaan bebaa-ndawaabmaad waa-gkinoohmaagzinjin.
>At one time, when I was a young boy, there came that white American who went about looking for those who wanted to attend school. AM1937.rs. 2 white man, racially white man. Eshki-waabmag aw Gchi-mookmaan maa ddibew ziibing ngii-zeghig.
>The first time I saw a white man there by the bank of the river, he frightened me. AM1937.rs.
>Full-vowel form: gichi-mookomaan.