gaawii wiya
gaawii wiya
>pr-an 1 nobody. Gaawii wiya mshi niim-siiba, miiâsh memkaach niin bi-wiikbizhit wii-niimyaang; ngwetaani-gach.
>Nobody was dancing yet, then he has to come and pull me up to dance; I was so embarrassed. MC2010.cs. Bzhishgwaakte wi wiigwaam; gaawii zhiwi wiya daa-sii megwaa.
>That house is empty; nobody lives there right now. MC2005.cs. Gaawii wiya gaagge-bmaadzi-sii.
>Nobody lives forever. MC2005.cs. 2 no (animate person or thing), there is no (indicating the absence of something or someone). Gaawii geyaabi wiya pie.
>There's no more pie. MC2011.cs. Gaawii wiya wiijkiwenywaan; kina gii-gjibhiwengoba.
>None of their allies were there; they had all run off, apparently. Gaawii geyaabi wiya gwiijkiwenynaanig."
>None of our friends are here any longer."
>Grammar note: In construction with an animate noun.
>Full-vowel form: gaawii awiya.