gaawii ngoji

Definition: nowhere, not anywhere, no place

gaawii ngoji
Wk 1 nowhere, not anywhere, no place. Gaawii maamdaa da-zhaayin ngoji; bgamat.
>You won't be able to go anywhere; the storm has come. MC2005.cs
. Gesnaa gii-deb'aa gii-wiikmat; gaawii ngoji waa-zhaat Niib'aa-namaang wa.
>It was so appropriate that you invited him; he has nowhere to go for Christmas. MC2005.cs
. Gdaa-gii-dwin'ge zhiwi jiigshkwaant; gaawii ngoji zhiwi wii-dkokiing.
>Could you clear things away near the door; there's no place to step there. MC2005.cs
>Full-vowel form:
gaawii ningoji.

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n20114915-8-23n
GKS Reference Number: 24197