>vaip comm.
>1sIND ndoo-dshimi;
>3sCCONJ edshiwaat;
>3sCCONJ endshiwaat; 1 be a certain number, be of such number. Wa-nda-gkenim aaniin naa endshiwaad giwi eyaajig wadi."
>Go find out how many of them there are over there." SO1971.rs. Mii-sh go kina gaa-zhi-zhaawaad endshiwaad aw dash eta naagaanzid wgii-maajiinaan niw oosan ji-wzhibiihgenid mii ge wiin gii-wzhibiihged.
>Then all went as a family group, but only the leader took his father so he could sign, and he also signed. AK1976.rs. Niizhtana dshiwak waa-bizhaajik.
>There are twenty that are going to come. MC2005.cs.
>Partner: dshin
>Grammar note: Contains relative root /daS/.
>Full-vowel form: dashi.