

1 <i>the third person possessor marker</i>. Geyaabi aanin coffee gzhishenh ziignamaw; aabtoobiini eta doo-naagaans maaba.
>Pour some more coffee for your uncle; his cup is only half full. MC2005.cs
. Weyiip da-jaagaashmaan niwin doo-daabaanan waawaasa pane pipzat.
>He'll wear out his car quickly, always driving to far places. MC2005.cs
. Gaawii gii-aadaakwaa-siin doo-mbicycle-an nJohn, mii'sh gii-gmoodmigaazat niwin.
>John didn't lock up his bike, so it got stolen from him. MC2007.cs
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Affix Prefix
Unique ID: n20113286-58-47n
GKS Reference Number: 23895