
Definition: board somewhere, live in a certain place temporarily, stay in a certain place

endnizit; 1 board somewhere, live in a certain place temporarily, stay in a certain place Aanii-sh mii sa iidig ddanziwaad go naa ziisbaakdokewaad.
>They used to stay in a certain place and make sugar. SO1971.rs
. Gaawiin gii-baatiin'siiwag gnimaa go naa ngodwaasmidna gii-dchidgenag bezhig iw gaa-bmi-dnizwaad.
>There were not many, perhaps sixty formed a group where they dwelled in one place. AK1976.rs
. Mii dash gaa-naaknigewaad giw zhaagnaashag da-maajaawag sa kina giw nishnaabeg maa endnizjig.
>And the whites made a proclamation, all the Indians living there are to leave. AK1976.rs
. Ngii-dnis endaayaat epiichi-skoonwiyaanh Toronto.
>I stayed at their place while I was going to school in Toronto. MC2005.cs
>Grammar note:
Contains relative root /daN/.
>Full-vowel form:

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