
Definition: exist naturally in a certain place, be present naturally in a certain place

endgok; 1 exist naturally in a certain place, be present naturally in a certain place. Gchi-zaaghigan zhonda ge-dgog, mii zhonda ge-bi-zhaawaad ge-giigoonykejig.
>There will be a big lake here, where people will come to fish. SO1971.rs
. Name-oshkoonzh dadibew dago.
>Sturgeonweed grows near the water. AW1941.rn
. Pane go zhiwi miinan dgonoon, aapji'sh go zhiwi ntaa-miin'kewak bemaadzijik.
>There's always blueberries there, so people pick blueberries a lot there. MC2005.cs
. 2 happen at a certain time. Mii sa gii-gizhiitaamgak gchi-miigaadwin wi pii gaa-dgogbanen.
>So that great battle which took place at that time was over. SO1971.rs
>Full-vowel form:

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GKS Reference Number: 14252