
Definition: and so, and then, so, then, so then

comm. 1 and so, and then, so, then, so then. Mii dash gii-gbaayaang gii-gidaakiiweyaang.
>And so we got out of the boat and climbed the hill. AK1976.rs
. Pii dash ezhaayaang odi, aazhgo gii-gdaanaawaa giw gaagog.
>But when we went there, the porcupines had already eaten it up. AK1976.rs
. Ngii-maajaami dash ndaawaach bbaa-ndanewngit, naash bi-dgosh-zik.
>So we left to go looking for him when he didn't arrive. MC2005.cs
. 2 how about, what about. Q: Niibiishaaboo dash? A: Gegoo na ate?
>Q: How about tea? A: Is there any? MC2011.cs
. Maanda dash?
>How about this (in.)? MC2011.cs
. Tamaa dash? Bizhaa na?
>How about Thomas? Is he coming? MC2005.cs
. Sabaap dash? Aapiish tek?
>What about the rope? Where is it? MC2005.cs
>Grammar note:
Typically comes after the first word in its clause.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n72989352536n
GKS Reference Number: 14004