>vai comm.
>1sIND nbizgwii;
>3sCCONJ bezgwiit; 1 get up, rise. Mii sa gii-bazigwiid wii-giziked.
>Then he got up on his feet to fly off as a bird. AW1941.rn. Aasnaa bzagwiin; ga-aapzikwaa wa gshiimenh -- gaawii bezhgoogzhii aaw-sii wa!
>Hey, get up; you'll kill your little brother -- he's not a horse! MC2005.cs. Mii go gii-oo-wenbiset zhiwi bezgwiiyaanh.
>He went and grabbed my seat as soon as I'd gotten up. MC2005.cs. 2 get up (from bed). Giishpin bwaa-zaagweswaanh gaawiin Nishnaabeg da-bzigwiisiiwag gchi-ggizheb.
>If I didn't come around, Indian people won't get up in the morning. Gaawii gii-de-wiisni-sii; zaam wiikaa gii-bzigwii.
>He didn't have time to eat; he got up too late. MC2005.cs.
>Full-vowel form: bizigwii.