bkaan ngoji

Definition: elsewhere, somewhere else

bkaan ngoji
Wk 1 elsewhere, somewhere else. Bkaan ngoji nwii-nbaa; ngiibjiiyebshkaak wa wiipemak.
>I'm going to sleep elsewhere; he pushes me off the bed when I sleep with him. MC2005.cs
. Msawaa dash go zhaazhgo bkaan ngoji gii-dbaajmigaazat maaba, miinwaa gaa-zhi-maajii-mzinbiiget, nga-dbaaddaan go maanda miinwaa, nga-dkobiige'sh wii go.
>Though the story of her life and of the emergence of her art has been told thoroughly elsewhere, I will tell it again, but briefly, here. MC2007.cs
>Full-vowel form:
bakaan ningoji.

Part of speech: Expression/Interjection
Unique ID: n201012519-11-31n
GKS Reference Number: 23689
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