
Definition: just [a short time ago, or a short time in the future]

comm. 1 just [a short time ago, or a short time in the future]. Bjiinak go naanimye ngii-bdaknaa baakaakwenh; ngo-dbagiiswaan megwaach geyaabi da-dnaza.
>I put the chicken on just a little while ago; it'll probably take one more hour to cook. MC2005.cs
. Bjiinak go naa nmaajtaami mii dash go zhaazhi maadnaagoowaanh.
>We're just starting and already my defeat is beginning. MC2005.cs
. Bjiinak go gii-ni-maajaa; gegaa go gii-de-geskobnaa.
>He just left; you almost caught him. MC2005.cs
. 2 as soon as. "Bjiinag go bi-bepeshaabang, bi-mskwaabang, mii ji-baabiibaagndamaan," gii-naan sa giiwenh.
>"As soon as the streaks of light appear, as soon as the red glow of dawn shows, I will shout," he said to them.
. Kina dash gaa-mnozwaad mii bjiinag gii-wiisnid.
>When he had roasted it all, then at last he soon would eat it.
. 3 only now, only then. Mii bijiinag eko-bimaadiziyaan babaa-gakinoohamaageyaan.
>Now for the first time in my life I am going about teaching. AW1941.rn
. Mii sa bijiinag gii-dibaakonindwaa gakina.
>Only then were they all brought to law. AW1941.rn
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n72977548957n
GKS Reference Number: 12807