bboon'gat / _bboon'gat

Definition: be a certain number of years; for a certain number of years

_bboon'gat vii 3sCCONJ e-NM-bboon'gak; 1 be a certain number of years; for a certain number of years. Niiwo-bboongat gaa-ko-maajtaapa oodi nakiit wa. It's four years since he started working there. MC2005.cs. Mii go pane eko-naano-bboongak shkwaach gii-waabmagba wa. It's been five years since I've last seen her. MC2005.cs. Partner: _bboon'gizi vai. Grammar note: This verb requires a number term or relative root /daS/ as root, to specify the number of years. Full-vowel form: biboonagad.

Unique ID: n72976245583n
GKS Reference Number: 288
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