
Definition: fortunately, thankfully

1 fortunately, thankfully. Aabdaangzhe go aanwi eko-shkwaa-skoonwit.
>Fortunately, he's been working steadily since he finished school. MC2005.cs
. Gaawii go aanwi ngii-gnisnogo-siimi gii-oo-bkwaakdokeyaang.
>Fortunately we didn't get rained out when we went to play ball. MC2005.cs
. 2 could, may be so, maybe so (an expression of pessimism). 3 manage. Mii go aanwi.
>I'm managing [fortunately]; Things are okay [thankfully]. (standard reply to Aaniish naa?) MC2005.cs
. 4 doggedly, persistently. Mii dash aanwi gii-nda-waankaanaawaad baamaa pii dash eni-naagshig.
>And doggedly they tried to dig him out right up until evening. AK1976.rs
. 5 anyhow, at any rate. "Aanawi weweni nindaano-gii-baashkizwaag.
>"Anyhow, I tried to shoot them all." GM1940.rn
. Geget aanawi igiw animoonsag gagetin bimibatoowag.
>Anyhow, those little dogs ran hard, indeed. GM1940.rn
. 6 to be sure, it must be acknowledged. Gakina gegoo aanawi ogii-gikendaan.
>He had, to be sure, obtained knowledge of every sort. AW1941.rn
. Oshkinawens aanawi gii-aawi; mii go naasaab ezhi-gikendang geyaabi gaa-izhiwebadogobane.
>He was only a young lad, to be sure, yet he still knew just the same how things must have gone once upon a time. AW1941.rn
. "Aanawi sa go.
>"To be sure, there are. AW1941.rn
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n72972748759n
GKS Reference Number: 11240