>1sIND ndaanwenmaa;
>3sCCONJ yaanwenmaat;
>2sIMP aanwenim; 1 be dissatisfied with smb., find sth. (an.) unsatisfactory, reject smb., look down on smb.. Gaawiin waya gga-aanwenmaasii, kina waya gga-wiijkiweymaa miinwaa gga-wiidookwaa waya iw giishpin ndawendang ji-wiidookwind.
>You are not to look down on anyone, you are to be friendly to everyone and help anyone if he wants people to help him. AK1976.rs. Ndaanwenmaa ndoo-pie-im, zaam go naa wiishkbizi.
>I'm dissatisfied with my pie; it's too sweet. MC2005.cs. Aapji go gii-nshkitaa gii-aanwenmaat niwin aanawii-nda-wiidgemgojin.
>She made people really angry rejecting that person who tried to marry her. MC2005.cs.
>Partner: aanwendaan
>Full-vowel form: aanawenim.