
Definition: how, in what way, what

LH 1 how, in what way, what. Miinwaa dash ngii-ggwejmigoo, Aanii dash ge-nendmamba carpenter shop?
>Then, on another occasion, I was asked, "Now, how would you like the carpenter shop?" AM1937.rs
. Aw dash kiwenziinh gii-giigdo, Aanii dash?
>Then the old man spoke: "How is that?" AM1937.rs
. Aanii-sh gaa-zhichgeyaan, aanii-sh ezhi-ndawendman ji-zhichgeyaan?
>What shall I do, what do you want me to do? AK1976.rs
>Grammar note:
Requires an associated verb to be in the conjunct order.
>Full-vowel form:

Part of speech: Adverb
Unique ID: n7297244607n
GKS Reference Number: 11167
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